Oooh, shiny. (and good housekeeping, too!)
On September 19, 2012, the US Environmental Protection Agency published a final review amending the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart N). In addition to revised emission limits for total chromium and other changes, the rule amendment introduced requirements for housekeeping practices to minimize fugitive emissions. These housekeeping procedures must be implemented within six months after publication of the rule, or by March 19, 2013.
Required housekeeping procedures include:
- storage of substances containing hexavalent chromium in closed containers in an enclosed area, and transport of these substances in closed containers, only;
- drip trays, containment or on-site treatment as controls for dripping of plating bath solution during dragout;
- splash guards for electroplating and anodizing tanks;
- prompt (i.e., within one hour) cleanup and containment of spills of hexavalent chromium substances;
- routine cleaning and stabilization of storage and work surfaces, walkways, and other surfaces that could become contaminated with hexavalent chromium;
- installation of barriers between plating or anodizing equipment and any buffing, grinding or polishing operations; and
- proper storage, disposal, recovery or recycling of chromium-containing wastes.